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Didactische onderbouwing


When we were called in 2017 by a director of a primary school in our area of ​​work (who was also very enthusiastic about the school-wide music lessons of Art4U at her school) with the question whether we had an overview of the competencies that were worked on in each grade in the music lessons and whether there was actually a continuous learning path, we had to remain unanswered at that time.

We then asked Marleen Smans, music teacher and educationalist, to come up with a description of the continuous learning pathway in Art4U's in-school music teaching program, whereby it would be mapped per target group which competencies are being worked on and to what extent the teaching program matched the core objectives. 54, 55, and 56 of primary education. This report was completed at the end of 2019 and is an important step forward in the didactic content assurance. For the management and teachers of primary schools, this provides insight into which competencies are being worked on, in what way and at what time.

Onderzoeksverslag >

During this period, Art4U was mentioned in a report from the province as a 'Good example' of the connection between in-school and extracurricular music education'. On the basis of the sharing of the experiences gained, this was compensated by financial support from the province. With the help of this co-financing, Art4U was able to pay for Marleen's research.