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The Collective Labor Agreement for Arts Education provides for a complaints procedure and a reporting point in the event of undesirable behaviour.

In order to implement this scheme, Cultuurconnectie has set up a Reporting Center for Undesirable Behavior in collaboration with ArboNed. Employees, their legal representative(s) and course participants of members of Cultuurconnectie who apply the Collective Labor Agreement for Art Education can make use of this.

The reporting center provides a central reporting number, professional confidential advisers and a complaints committee. Incidents such as bullying, (sexual) intimidation, aggression, violence and discrimination can be reported by employees and students 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via the Central Reporting Center confidential counselor, telephone 0800-0 204 204. The complainant, regardless of whether this is an employee or is a student, you will receive guidance from a professional confidential counselor from ArboNed. The scheme also provides for an independent complaints committee.

The privacy of the data subject is guaranteed at all times.