Fien van Dingenen
- Establishment
- Veldhoven
- Department
- Blaasinstrumenten
- Available on
- Monday
- Tuesday
Fien van Dingenen
What are your activities for Art4U?
Teaching students, recorder ensembles and performing. It is great fun to teach so many motivated students!
What are your other musical activities?
I play in a baroque ensemble led by Ad van Sleuwen: Venti Musicali. We regularly give concerts with great pleasure!
What instruments do you play?
The whole recorder family: sopranino, soprano, alto, tenor and bass recorder. Also a little organ and piano.
Who is your favorite composer/artist/band?
- J.S.Bach
- Telemann
- Vivaldi
- Boismortier
- The Beatles
- Ton Koopman
- Fans Brüggen
- Lucie Horsch
What is the most special performance you have given?
In Russia together with Ad van Sleuwen and Trio Sonata from Russia. And a concert trip of 3 weeks through South Africa with Cristel de Mulder (vocals), Ad van Sleuwen (organ) and I (recorder).